$ git clone https://ion.nu/git/webchat
commit 9c1add8c9ed83974995f6706ce1e06a439705107
Author: Alicia <...>
Date: Thu Dec 31 00:04:57 2015 +0100
Added a section to the README about how to get it up and running
diff --git a/README b/README
index d31d46b..9fe2986 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -6,3 +6,17 @@ Licensing
This project is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) version 3,
with the exception of mic.xcf/mic.png which is licensed under Creative Commons CC-by-3.0, based on work from https://github.com/break24/PhantomOpenEmoji
+1. Web
+To get things running you'll have to put the web content on a webserver (or running it in place mostly works too, for local testing)
+the web content includes all the .js files, chat.css, chat.php and mic.png.
+You will also need to create config.js, see config.js.sample for an example of how that should look.
+chat.php accepts the GET variable 'c' for channel name (picking this up is also the only thing PHP is used for, should be easy to replace if PHP is unsuitable)
+If you are running it in place with no webserver/PHP you will still be able to join a channel, but it will be something like "%3C" and password-protected channels won't work quite right.
+2. Server
+Type 'make' to build the server (chatd)
+The server currently expects your domain's certificate and private key to be found in cert.pem and key.pem respectively.
+For accounts and channel registration (and thus moderators) you will need to set up an sqlite3 database named chat.db, the tables/indexes can be found in db.sql (alternatively just run: sqlite3 chat.db "`cat db.sql`")
+The server is currently hardcoded to listen on port 4000.